Ytong blocks are a well known global name for aerated concrete products. The product has unlimited constructional possibilities and good building physical properties.
Some advantages include:
- Excellent insulating properties
- Non-flammable material
- Impermeable to frost and moisture
Above all, however, it is quick and efficient to lay. In practice, this is a decisive argument for contractors to use aerated concrete, as this results in a high speed construction.
Ytong blocks are not only used to construct inner leaves of cavity walls and dwelling partitioning walls but also internal, external and fire walls in both load-bearing and non load-bearing designs. The building block therefore is known as being efficient for both house construction and for commercial and industrial buildings.
Ytong low energy blocks have unrivalled insulating properties and are used to construct internal partition walls and load bearing external walls. The dimensional accuracy of Ytong blocks make them ideal for use with thin joint mortar. With Ytong low energy blocks, Xella sets the new standard for energy efficient, solid building; load bearing aerated concrete blocks with excellent thermal properties (till-lambda 0.07).
The Ytong low energy block is not only highly thermally efficient it is also highly sustainable. In all stages of its life cycle: during the extraction of base materials, during production, while being used and finally when recycled
- The block consists of sand, lime and cement - natural abundantly available raw materials that are obtained from responsibly managed extraction sites.
- The production process creates very little CO2 emissions. Most energy is consumed in curing the product by means of steam, and even then technology keeps energy consumption to an absolute minimum.
- Once manufactured, the lightweight blocks can be transported and used efficiently.
- The blocks retain their roperties during the entire lifespan of a building: they never lose their energy efficiency or structural values.
- When a building is demolished the blocks can be used again for the manufacture of new aerated concrete.